Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rampant Letters

I still have a pretty old desktop computer I use as a video editor now for my TV Blog. I do almost everything else on my portable stuff now. When I first got this particular desktop, something went drastically wrong. It kept typing in things at random in search boxes, etc.  I could not figure this out for a while but it finally came to me that somehow the speech recognition software was on. I figured this out when I was talking on the phone and it typed a few words that I had actually said. So, previously, it had been interpreting sounds around me, like the TV set or music, as text. I decided to open up Microsoft Word and see how this thing worked. I did not know how to turn it off at the time so my composition begins as frustration. The nonsense that turned out as I tried to speak as clearly as possible was pretty funny. I laughed a bit. I repeated one sentence over and over for a while. I tried to say one sentence "I'm going to send this to my friend. His name is Ike." or something like that. I was just trying to say it very clearly to get it to get just one sentence correct. It never did. I consider this my first truly randomly aimless composition:
Bombay I would like to know exactly why is going on with my computer.  Please tell me what’s going I can stand as any will more.  Mondale was one just like you can still I wanted. 
Dannemeyer can be used on the game can be used the game you were some time, really doesn’t 
I needed not as happy as another five years to really drive in the name.  She really a season high-minded be a new.  I’m going to CNN’s Stefan Edberg said.  I’m going to see in this some kind person.  I want to see in this to a friend the nine to sustain his vice Versa.  And I have I got a.  I want to see in this big several serious risk of mine named vice Versa.
I am going to send this to a friend of mine his name is my first press that servers.  I’m going to see in this era randomized his name his eyes were some the I want to see NBA is the ground by these changes five or so it really. 
Steve Wong seven and the and of the things that can be done with the the that the. 
!  (see the) in the As the pants and the bank city. As As they have been the though the reason we’re the inning way back to their masses opportunity of making around them they for my friend I carry some of it landings at all my friends they.  I’m going to sell my friends may I may as they they they they they appeared in the period.
I’m going to send this to random time may I his name is on you.  In the be in new page.  Debate style taxes and the the the the book the key to bear in.  Bugs bunny 40 be on the between now be the now between the e-mail between the e-mail between now beginning be the now is the Walt Disney meeting is.  First they.