Tuesday, June 7, 2011


If there is one thing I like to do it's close blogs. :) 

I'm combining the photographic blog with this blog.  Only one picture was posted there. But it's a good one.

This is my wife watching Barack Obama after a long long wait. There is a great deal of hope her eyes and expression. And she'll be mad at me for posting it. :)  But could there be a better woman for me?

Added note: A little about how this was taken. The empty seat next to my wife is really my seat but I had gone up to the barricades to get a closer view of Barrack Obama. I had already taken my wife's picture with all the signs in the background hoisted high. That picture has been on my desk at work ever since. As I was listening to Barrack Obama, by the barricades, he said something particularly inspiring. I turned around to see my wife as moved as I was. I took her picture. If you notice, there are people around her who seem just a little bored. Not I, not my wife.